Sunset Horizon abstract landscape--watercolor with custom-mixed ink details. I'm learning what elements I like in this style and eliminating the things that don't work well and enjoying the process.
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Another in the 'Horizon' series with an abstract landscape evoking a mountain lake at dawn in watercolor and custom-mixed inks
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Cradle abstract watercolor. Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I hope you’re having a special day with special people.
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Silt abstract watercolor and ink with gold highlights
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Holiday Poinsettia Bouquet Watercolor--another addition to my recent holiday watercolor collection—Available on Society 6
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This pattern collection includes a watercolor wreath with poinsettias and gold details and five seamless repeating patterns. All of these designs are available in my Society 6 shop, Poezy (https://society6.com/poezy/collection/christmas-holiday?curator=poezy). Find holiday cards, wrapping paper, gifts, and decor.
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Holiday Wreath watercolor with gold highlights--I created this design for my Christmas cards this year, based on a similar design I did last year. This time, I painted the elements of the wreath separately then assembled them digitally. It was a new process for me, but it gave me the opportunity to improve on the design. It's now available in my Society 6 shop - Poezy (link below)
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Ocean Horizon--whimsical abstract watercolor and ink landscape (continuing the Horizon theme!)
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Dawn Horizon abstract watercolor landscape with custom-mixed ink details. I've had this concept in my mind for a long time (about a year!), and although it's very simple, it's taken some experimenting for it to start coming together. I like this soft view like looking past vast rolling hills toward the sun.
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New Life abstract watercolor with gold highlights. I enjoy doing abstracts, but I find maintaining enough simplicity to be a challenge--keep experimenting, learning, evolving!
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