Topography Watercolor & Ink #6Topographic watercolor and ink paintingRead MoreTopography Watercolor & Ink #6Anne M. BurnettJuly 16, 2021
Topography Watercolor & Ink #3Continuing the series of topography watercolor and ink piecesRead MoreTopography Watercolor & Ink #3Anne M. BurnettJuly 9, 2021
Topography Watercolor & Ink #2Another relaxing topography watercolor and ink pieceRead MoreTopography Watercolor & Ink #2Anne M. BurnettJuly 8, 2021
Topography Watercolor & Ink #1Worked on a couple meditative topography watercolors todayRead MoreTopography Watercolor & Ink #1Anne M. BurnettJuly 7, 2021
Topography WatercolorAnother topography design in watercolor and ink. These are really fun to do. At some point, I'd like to represent a real location.Read MoreTopography WatercolorAnne M. BurnettMarch 4, 2021
Topography WatercolorI enjoyed working with the topography design, so I"m continuing that theme--watercolor and inkRead MoreTopography WatercolorAnne M. BurnettMarch 3, 2021
Topography WatercolorCreated this abstract for fun and it turned into a sort of topographic design. I’ve always been fascinated by maps and topography. Done in watercolor and ink.Read MoreTopography WatercolorAnne M. BurnettMarch 1, 2021