Not too long ago, I fell in love with a watercolor paint named CfM Cypress—a deep dark luscious evergreen by Case for Making—and thought of that when I started creating this design. I ended up using CfM Cypress, French Pale Green, Italian Gold Ochre, and Sun Gold—all from my Case for Making palette.

I can get a wide range of values—including very dark shades—from CfM Cypress, which almost looks black in the pan. The French Pale Green was an excellent compliment, allowing for some nice variation in the green. Then I added a bit of Italian Gold Ochre in the center of the blossom as well as a touch of Sun Gold. The gold doesn’t show well in the scan of the watercolor, some random spots of gold I added on the painting look like light smudges, but you can see the shimmer in the swatch photo above and a bit better in the photo below.

I really enjoyed painting this waterlily and the CfM paints were a joy to work with as always.