A Day at Kew Gardens (2)

After leaving the Palace at Kew Gardens, I walked on to Rhododendron Dell, which is exactly that, a dell bursting with rhododendrons in light pink, violet and magenta.

I passed by a small lake where a group of visitors were gathered around a handful of downy goslings and ducklings, snapping pictures like the paparazzi–so I joined in.

I then trekked over to the Xstrata Treetop Walkway. This is an 18 meter tall walkway, affording a stroll through the tree canopy. It rocked back and forth like a boat, requiring a bit of balance. A small child led by his mother kept repeating ‘wobblay’ with a very cute British accent.

After the tree-trek, I was amused by a group of kids chasing chickens on my way to the Temperate House, the largest glass house on the property.

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