I enjoyed working with the topography design, so I"m continuing that theme--watercolor and ink

Orange waterlily illustration--watercolor and ink for day 30 of 100 Day Project

Created this abstract for fun and it turned into a sort of topographic design. I’ve always been fascinated by maps and topography. Done in watercolor and ink.

Underwater view of lily pads in pink--watercolor and ink for day 29 of 100 Day Project. I'm working toward 8 of these designs that I'm happy with to make a set of cards.

Underwater view of lily pads in sunset colors for day 28 of 100 Day Project

Added Primrose, Cyclamen, and Saxifrage to my front walkway and I’m so happy to enjoy the color

Underwater lily pads watercolor and ink in green for day 27 of 100 Day Project

Today I used genuine mineral watercolors (Daniel Smith Primatek line), accounting for the strong granulation. Watercolor and ink waterlily for day 26 of 100 Day Project.

Trying my hand at negative paining. Waterlily in watercolor and ink for day 25 of 100 Day Project--a quarter of the way through!

Waterlily watercolor and ink illustration for day 24 of 100 Day Project—used Case for Making watercolor paints and the CfM Cypress, with it’s very dark values and velvety texture, was fun to work with