Primrose, Cyclamen, Hellebore & Saxifrage

Added Primrose, Cyclamen, and Saxifrage to my front walkway and I’m so happy to enjoy the color

I couldn’t resist adding some fresh color to my front walkway—Primrose, Cyclamen, and Saxifrage.

Most of the new additions are primrose in shades of pink, purple, white, and yellow. The local wild rabbits snack on the primrose blossoms, but I’m hoping that packing them close to the edge and adding other plants around them might leave some for me to enjoy. I’ll see how it goes and adjust accordingly.

I added a deep magenta Cyclamen and would like to add more since the rabbits seem to leave those alone.

The hellebore, sitting behind all these newcomers, is in it’s prime now.

I also added a couple Saxifrage to the front of the walkway where they’ll get some sun.

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