Autumn & Earth Tones Watercolor Palettes

Now that we’re officially into Fall, I assembled a vibrant Autumn watercolor palette. It consists of all Roman Szmal Aquarius paints and leans heavily on greens, yellows and oranges with lots of jewel tones. In addition, I’m augmenting it with my Earth Tones palette for more muted colors.

Autumn watercolor palette 2021

Paints included in my Autumn palette:

  • Quinacridone Red
  • Quinacridone Maroon
  • Quinacridone Burnt Sienna
  • Aquarius Orange
  • Quinacridone Gold
  • Indian Yellow Hue
  • Green Gold
  • Olive Green Light
  • Hooker’s Green
  • Aquarius Green
  • Perylene Green
  • Cobalt Teal
  • Indanthrone Blue
  • Mineral Violet
Autumn watercolor palette 2021

My Earth Tones palette (see below) is also all Roman Szmal Aquarius full pans. It has a couple redundant greens, but some nice additions, such as browns, ochres, buff titanium and Payne’s grey.

Earth Tones watercolor palette 2021

Paints included in my Earth Tones palette:

  • Shadow Violet
  • Payne’s Grey
  • Indigo Hue
  • Prussian Blue
  • Perylene Green
  • Aquarius Green
  • Venetian Yellow Earth
  • Mummy Transparent Red
  • Cypress Burnt Umber
  • Sepia
  • Ochre Havana
  • Buff Titanium
Earth Tones watercolor palette 2021

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