Topography Watercolor & Ink #3Continuing the series of topography watercolor and ink piecesRead MoreTopography Watercolor & Ink #3Anne M. BurnettJuly 9, 2021
Topography Watercolor & Ink #2Another relaxing topography watercolor and ink pieceRead MoreTopography Watercolor & Ink #2Anne M. BurnettJuly 8, 2021
Topography Watercolor & Ink #1Worked on a couple meditative topography watercolors todayRead MoreTopography Watercolor & Ink #1Anne M. BurnettJuly 7, 2021
Moonlight 3D Shadowbox ArtMoonlight 3D Watercolor Shadowbox Art with rich teal, deep green tones, and gold highlightsRead MoreMoonlight 3D Shadowbox ArtAnne M. BurnettJuly 2, 2021
Moon Dust II 3D Shadowbox ArtSecond in the Moon Dust series--3D watercolor shadowbox artRead MoreMoon Dust II 3D Shadowbox ArtAnne M. BurnettJuly 1, 2021
Moon Dust 3D Shadowbox ArtMoon Dust shadowbox 3D watercolor artRead MoreMoon Dust 3D Shadowbox ArtAnne M. BurnettJune 29, 2021
Drops of Sunlight Shadow Box ArtThis abstract watercolor makes me think of drops of sunlight and how sunlight touches everything, like sparkles from dew. The scan doesn't show off the gold. In person, the gold enlivens the design beautifully. Read MoreDrops of Sunlight Shadow Box ArtAnne M. BurnettJune 27, 2021
Pond Fairy Ring Watercolor Shadowbox ArtPond fairy ring watercolor shadowbox art with butterflies and lily padsRead MorePond Fairy Ring Watercolor Shadowbox ArtAnne M. BurnettJune 25, 2021