White waterlily watercolor illustration for 23rd day of 100 Day Project

First blooms of the season—hellebores and cyclamen—and I’m excited for spring

Underwater view of lily pads in violet--watercolor and ink for day 22 of 100 Day Project

Underwater view of lily pads in orange and yellow for day 21 of 100 Day Project--watercolor and ink

Lily pads underwater view in yellow-green—watercolor and ink details for day 20 of 100 Day Project

Underwater view of lily pads in teal and aqua—watercolor with ink details for day 19 of 100 Day Project

Waterlily, buds, and unfurling lily pad underwater--watercolor and ink for day 18 of 100 Day Project

Did a looser watercolor design today

Wanting to get to know my Roman Szmal Aquarius watercolor palette better, I created a few mix charts

This piece is based on a photo I took in the waterlily exhibit at Kew Gardens in the UK. Waterlily watercolor with details in ink for day 16 of 100 Day Project.

Waterlily watercolor and ink details on day15 of 100 DayProject

Happy Valentine’s Day! Lily pads and waterlily buds underwater watercolor and ink drawing