Summer Garden Bouquet
The temperature is starting to heat up, reaching into the high 80s, and it hasn’t rained for a couple weeks. My David Austen rose is now pushing beautiful new blooms in pale peach tones and the daisies are taking off.…
The temperature is starting to heat up, reaching into the high 80s, and it hasn’t rained for a couple weeks. My David Austen rose is now pushing beautiful new blooms in pale peach tones and the daisies are taking off.…
There’s so much going on in the garden, I’m adding these pics to the previous post. The front yard is looking lush and full, especially compared to previous years. The backyard is full of color and blooming things. Below, you’ll…
In this bouquet I included mophead hydrangea, oak leaf hydrangea, astrantia, ferns, strawberry greens, meteor shower verbena, shasta daisies, and a spray of pale pink roses.