Fresh Blanket of Snow

First *real* snow of the season just north of Seattle—it’s still a novelty to me, and so beautiful

A beautiful soft blanket of snow has collected on every surface overnight. We received the first main snow of the season—at least 6in and it’s still going. Other areas of west Washington received snow earlier on, but north of Seattle, where I’m at, this is the first snow of the year that didn’t melt away quickly. It’s still a novelty to me, coming from California a few years ago.

I caught signs of wildlife roaming around. I even saw a coyote skim by my back fence. I didn’t get a photo, but tracks crisscrossed in the front yard.

I enjoy the sound and the feel of the powdery snow compacting as I trudge through it, the delicate curves of the fresh snow cover, and the patterns created on various trees and shrubs.

There’s a wonderful quiet that descends when there’s this much snowfall. People are inside, taking care to avoid getting on the road and most animals take refuge making for a meditative and peaceful scene. I revel in these moments and appreciate being able to explore the scenery, trudge through the snow, and cozy up indoors afterward.

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