Inktober is an annual event open to the public. Anyone who wants to practice ink drawing can create a drawing a day (or less) during the month of October and share their work on social media, adding a few key tags so people can find their work. It’s a great way to create a daily habit by making yourself accountable to your audience, whoever that may be.

Learn more about it at the official site:

I had been intreagued by it over the last couple of years and decided to join in this year. It was a fantastic experience and it definitely pushed my drawing to another level. I tried lots of things, succeeded at some, and not so much at others. Regardless, it was a great learning experience and I am very proud of the accomplishment.

One thing I decided was to do the drawings on kraft paper. This way I could benefit from a medium toned paper that I could add shades and tints (dark and light values) to, which has a nice effect. I learned that kraft paper soaks up some inks like a sponge, making fine details and clean lines a challenge—lesson learned. Some images are fantastical, where I had to pull more from imagination and some are representations of real things or places. I often used multiple reference photos for each drawing. I have many favorites and some I’d like to redo, but I’m very pleased with the experience and the overall results.

Here are my drawings for Inktober 2020:

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