Laramie, Wyoming

As we transitioned from the Great Plains to the Rocky Mountain region, large outcroppings of rock emerged, interspersed in the still broad expanse of land and views stretching far off into the distance. We took a quick break at the Lincoln Monument Rest Stop before continuing on our way through Wyoming.

Our next stop was the town of Laramie, a quaint historic town that happened to be fairly quiet the day we stopped. It was Labor Day and most of the businesses were closed for the afternoon. We did alight on a nice two-story bookstore with a kitchen, called Night Heron Books and Coffeehouse. I grabbed some soup and looked around a bit.

I like the character of Laramie. People were friendly, the atmosphere was relaxed, and it emanated a sense of freshness–even among the historic buildings. From some of the shops I passed, among other things, I get the sense there’s a creative thread running through Laramie. To support my perspective (both literally and figuratively), a fascinating quirk of the town is the random adornment of knitting on benches and sign posts around town. I would love to know the story behind this if anyone can enlighten me.

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