Summer Garden Bouquet
The temperature is starting to heat up, reaching into the high 80s, and it hasn’t rained for a couple weeks. My David Austen rose is now pushing beautiful new blooms in pale peach tones and the daisies are taking off.…
The temperature is starting to heat up, reaching into the high 80s, and it hasn’t rained for a couple weeks. My David Austen rose is now pushing beautiful new blooms in pale peach tones and the daisies are taking off.…
May is a spectacular time of year in the Puget Sound area. Because our chilly winters leave the garden quite barren, the burst of life in spring unfolds in striking layers of color and vibrancy. By the beginning of May,…
I gathered up some late summer blooms for a bouquet, including panicle hydrangeas, butterfly bush, a climbing rose and some ornamental oregano.
This is a special time of year when I gather hydrangea blooms and bring the garden indoors in big bouquets. As I add more hydrangea specimens to the garden and the plants mature, I get bigger yields every year. This…
My hydrangeas are coming into bloom, especially the mophead and oakleaf hydrangeas. Pannicle varieties and a couple later blooming mopheads are budding up and will bloom over the next week or two. I love having the variety of colors and…
Temperatures have dropped and with it the leaves, and fall colors have made an appearance. This pretty begonia is still blooming away and will likely continue until the frost gets it.
I love bringing flowers in from the garden and I particularly love the fullness hydrangeas bring to a bouquet with just a few stems. Here’s a simple blue mophead hydrangea bouquet: This lovely bouquet includes blue and purple mophead hydrangeas,…
In this bouquet I included mophead hydrangea, oak leaf hydrangea, astrantia, ferns, strawberry greens, meteor shower verbena, shasta daisies, and a spray of pale pink roses.