Summer Garden Bouquet
The temperature is starting to heat up, reaching into the high 80s, and it hasn’t rained for a couple weeks. My David Austen rose is now pushing beautiful new blooms in pale peach tones and the daisies are taking off.…
The temperature is starting to heat up, reaching into the high 80s, and it hasn’t rained for a couple weeks. My David Austen rose is now pushing beautiful new blooms in pale peach tones and the daisies are taking off.…
(Note: Some nest images and info are repeated from a previous post) I recently stumbled across a cottontail bunny nest in my backyard. Although I’m used to seeing cottontails skitter through in the spring and summer, this is the first…
May is a spectacular time of year in the Puget Sound area. Because our chilly winters leave the garden quite barren, the burst of life in spring unfolds in striking layers of color and vibrancy. By the beginning of May,…
I get really excited this time of year when the seasons shift and warmer temperatures wake up the garden. Understory trees are already leafing out and the towering big leaf maples are dripping with chartreuse blooms. It brings out the…
Abstract seascape watercolor with gold highlights Close-ups: Photos showing gold highlights (taken in sunlight):
Abstract landscape watercolor with gold highlights. Close-ups (from scan): Photos showing gold highlights:
The last few days have brought uncommon variety in the weather. We’ve had off-and-on rain for weeks. Then, a few days ago, I woke up to a thick fog. Yesterday morning it hailed, the small ice pebbles clicking away on…
Abstract landscape watercolor with gold highlights. Close-ups: Photos showing gold highlights:
Abstract landscape watercolor with subtle gold highlights. Transpiration is the expression of moisture from plants. This painting makes me think of the heat of the sun evaporating moisture and coating the lush landscape in humidity. Close-ups: You can catch subtle…
Abstract landscape watercolor with custom-mixed pigment ink details. Close-ups: Photos of gold reflections: