Merry Christmas!

Can you believe it’s almost 2024? It hit me just a few days ago that we’re just on the cusp of a new year. I wish everyone a holiday full of blessings and connections and another year of wonderful surprises.…
Can you believe it’s almost 2024? It hit me just a few days ago that we’re just on the cusp of a new year. I wish everyone a holiday full of blessings and connections and another year of wonderful surprises.…
If you’ve followed my posts, you’ll know I see cotton tail bunnies in my garden. This year, I’ve seen adults come through here and there and a younger one showed up recently. They can be tricky to spot since they…
This is a special time of year when I gather hydrangea blooms and bring the garden indoors in big bouquets. As I add more hydrangea specimens to the garden and the plants mature, I get bigger yields every year. This…
My hydrangeas are coming into bloom, especially the mophead and oakleaf hydrangeas. Pannicle varieties and a couple later blooming mopheads are budding up and will bloom over the next week or two. I love having the variety of colors and…
The garden has developed over the past six years since I moved to this property. It’s immensely satisfying to see the small plants I started with mature and fill in the space, giving it dimension and life. I often look…
The garden is coming into its own this time of year. Early blooming plants are putting on a show and trees have leafed out with fresh growth. I have two wigela that provide profuse swaths of color. one is variegated…
The sun has come out and the snow has started to melt. We still have freezing days ahead, so it will take time. We are approaching record lows and expect freezing rain over the next couple of days. With two…
It snowed all morning and past noon, blanketing everything with white. Another quiet, chilly day, spent best indoors where it’s cozy warm. Here’s a short video of the snawfall.
I’ve seen coyotes come by my property numerous times. Occasionally I hear them howling in the distance—one of the eeriest sounds I’ve ever heard. Sometimes the howling will start when a service vehicle sets off it’s siren. Usually I just…
Reaching back to my artistic roots with an ink drawing mixed with watercolor. Life drawing was my artistic focus in college, so I’m well versed in drawing and sketching. With my watercolor practice, I’ve created more abstract pieces with a…