Because I had 2 travel palette boxes, I decided I might have an auxiliary palette for travel with convenience mixes. That way if I want to travel light I can take the primary travel palette, but if I have more space and time I can use the auxiliary palette as well. This means I can travel with 24 of the 27 colors in my main palette.

Most of the colors are either convenience mixes or unique colors I don’t use as often, consisting of the following.

  • Sun Gold, Case for Making—I love having a gold in my palette for occasional highlights, stars, a moon, or a touch of ‘fairy dust’
  • Warm Sepia, Jackson’s—Sepia is a favorite for a brown I can use as is, add some warmth, or use to tone down warm colors that are a bit bright
  • Quinacridone Burnt Scarlet, Daniel Smith—I love having Quinacridone Maroon (Roman Szmal) in my main palette so I got it’s equivalent from Daniel Smith to add in a half pan. I like this earthy, yet vibrant color for it’s peachy undertones. It pairs well with Green Earth and other muted greens and it’s a useful color for toning down saturated warm colors.
  • Buff Titanium, Daniel Smith—sometimes I want a soft creamy background or an earthy sandy look, or occasionally create a pastel color and Buff Titanium is great for these situations
  • Indian Yellow Hue, Jackson’s—a lovely sunny warm yellow with a smooth texture
  • Green Gold, Daniel Smith—I just love the vibrant chartreuse of this Green Gold to match that luminous light green of fresh spring growth in landscapes and botanicals
  • Sap Green Light, Roman Szmal Aquarius—this is a new favorite. It doesn’t have the range of Daniel Smith’s Sap Green, but it’s a touch more saturated and I love using it straight out of the pan for fresh grass and leaves
  • Olive Green, Daniel Smith—A new addition to my repertoire and a nice earthy contrasting green for variety in landscapes and botanicals that I’m looking forward to using more
  • Perylene Green, Daniel Smith—a dark muted green, great for dark or shaded foliage, shadows under branches or used to tone down a saturated green
  • Spruce, custom mix—an attempt at mixing my own Prussian Green with lightfast paints. It’s a bit too warm, but still a beautiful color I can add a bit of blue to for distant mountains, eucalyptus, or bluish evergreens
  • Phthalo Blue (red shade), Roman Szmal Aquarius—a good staple, mainly for mixing
  • Moon Dust, custom mix—a take on the popular PB50 and PV19 mixes but with lightfast paints, Cobalt Turquoise Light and Quin. Rose
Auxiliary travel palette watercolor swatches

I made a swatch card that fits in the lid.

Bijou watercolor palette with swatch card

I also added a color and brand reference on the back of the swatch card.

Bijou watercolor palette with reference card

If you haven’t seen it already, you might also be interested in my post on my main travel palette.

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