Lincoln, Nebraska

Yesterday, after driving the length of Missouri–from St Louis to Kansas–we headed northwest into Nebraska. We arrived in Lincoln in the early part of evening and met with my aunt and uncle, whom I haven’t seen in years. After an amazing dinner at Carmela’s Bistro & Wine Bar, my travel companion and I enjoyed a truly unique evening tour of downtown Lincoln, compliments of my aunt and uncle. Both being accomplished writers, having a keen sense of the absurd, and my uncle having taught writing at the university–their stories and insights had us properly entertained. We wound a path through the university, around the buzz of college nightlife and by various city buildings. After this unique tour, we were afforded yet another personal tour. This time is was an art exhibit at a small building renovated to house a personal collection my aunt manages (gallery shown above). We were given a sneak peek at the artwork, which had yet to be shown publically. There seems to be a surprisingly vibrant art scene in Lincoln, home to no less than 50 art galleries and a gallery walk first Friday of every month. I enjoyed my short visit to Lincoln and it was a serendipitous gift to reconnect with family.

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