Terrain Palette

Terrain watercolor palette

Recently, I’ve been working on a series of topography style watercolor paintings. I’ve enjoyed this so much, I created a specialized palette for it. It consists of teals, greens, off-white (ecru) and muted orange. I have yet to use the…

Topography Watercolor #15

Topography watercolor and ink art
Topography Watercolor #15--I created a specialized palette for this series. For more info, check it out on Poezy.com.

Topography Watercolor #13

Topography watercolor and ink art
Topography watercolor and ink #12. I love this series. I made one my tablet background, I'm putting a couple up in a spare bedroom, and I'm making a set of stickers and a stationery :-D

Topography Watercolor #11

Topography Watercolor & Ink Art
Topography watercolor and ink abstract--I'm learning that multiple layers give better vibrancy to the colors and that I can control the gradients better as well that way