Melting Snow

The sun has come out and the snow has started to melt. We still have freezing days ahead, so it will take time. We are approaching record lows and expect freezing rain over the next couple of days. With two…

Snow Day

It snowed all morning and past noon, blanketing everything with white. Another quiet, chilly day, spent best indoors where it’s cozy warm. Here’s a short video of the snawfall.

Recipe: Salad Olvieh (Persian potato salad)

Ingredients Potatoes (either russet or yukon) Eggs Dill pickles (I really like Mt. Olive brand) Mayonnaise  Yellow mustard Ground pepper Chicken (optional) Ratio of potato to egg is generally 1 to 1 in volume, add the rest of the ingredients…


I’ve seen coyotes come by my property numerous times. Occasionally I hear them howling in the distance—one of the eeriest sounds I’ve ever heard. Sometimes the howling will start when a service vehicle sets off it’s siren. Usually I just…

Recipe: Homemade Vanilla Extract

I got a bee in my bonnet and decided to make my own vanilla extract. It’s surprisingly easy if you can be patient. All it requires is vanilla beans, vodka, and a jar. The reason I mention patience is it…

Watercolor Lightfastness Testing

I swatched out 3 palettes of mine for testing lightfastness–my Muted Palette, Primary Palette, and a palette consisting of Da Vinci and American Journey watercolors. I think there may be 2 or 3 slightly fugitive colors, but I wanted to…