Town of Totnes

Yesterday I spent the afternoon in Totnes, a 15 minute train ride from Buckfastleigh and a 20 minute walk from the station. The walk to the town center is a beautifully wooded path along a river.

The path connects to a bridge that spills right into the main street, lined with shops. This lane stretches upward, to the top of a hill.

There’s a Saxon Castle within walking distance of town. On the way there, I passed this gate with an ominous warning sign. Fortunately, I was not accosted near the castle by any French lunatic dogs. For more photos, see my other post on Totnes Castle.

After storming the castle, I headed back to the main street for lunch. I found a restaurant, suggested to me by the Conker shop people (see ‘Conker Shoes’ post), called Tangerine Tree Cafe. This place was wonderful. My lunch was excellent and the restaurant had a casual ambiance with staggering floors and multiple rooms containing mismatched tables and sofas. For lunch I had Indian spiced lamb skewers along with carrot ginger paneer bread, field greens salad (nice fresh greens!!!), mango yogurt dip and a spicy bell pepper chutney. Amazingly delicious!


After complimenting the chef, I made my way back down the main street, stopped in the Church of St. Mary, looked in a few more shops then headed back to the B&B.

All in all, a wonderful way to spend the afternoon. I was exhausted when I returned. So after lazing about a bit, I took a long hot bath–which was a perfect way to wind down. What a charmed life I lead!


  1. The first tree with path is now on my desktop! I was eating a late lunch and was scrolling thru your journal and wondering if you posted a pic of your delicious meal, and low and behold, as I ate my measly cup (oops! I mean most delicious cup) of leftover organic tomatoe soup that I tossed in a quarter cup of leftover hard – I mean delectable rice) and I did have an herb salad a minute ago, I could envision myself partaking and enjoying with you, this bountiful Indian meal. Yum! I am enjoying a cup of genmai cha as I peruse the rest of todays posting. Was sad yesterday when there wasn’t a posting. What am I to do, when you return home and I have nothing to look forward to in reading Anne’s daily “discovery” journal. Oh, that’s right, I will be walking with you in our own neck of the American woods!

  2. Did you meet this lunatic dog? The stained glass is soooooo pretty. Oh, and I am quite certain that Susanne will breathe a deep sigh of relief, noticing that you ate some fresh greens!

  3. Vanette, I look forward to resuming our walks. I hope you’re still getting out there. Sorry I can’t post everyday. Sometimes I run out of steam or time. I’m two days behind now since I’m too pooped to write tonight. I’m glad you caught the lunatic dog sign. It made me laugh out loud when I saw it. No dog in sight though.

  4. What a wonderful adventure! I love the micro and macro views. My heart aches at the beauty of the country. I still looking for a fairy though.

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