Hydrangea Bouquets
This is a special time of year when I gather hydrangea blooms and bring the garden indoors in big bouquets. As I add more hydrangea specimens to the garden and the plants mature, I get bigger yields every year. This…
This is a special time of year when I gather hydrangea blooms and bring the garden indoors in big bouquets. As I add more hydrangea specimens to the garden and the plants mature, I get bigger yields every year. This…
My hydrangeas are coming into bloom, especially the mophead and oakleaf hydrangeas. Pannicle varieties and a couple later blooming mopheads are budding up and will bloom over the next week or two. I love having the variety of colors and…
The garden has developed over the past six years since I moved to this property. It’s immensely satisfying to see the small plants I started with mature and fill in the space, giving it dimension and life. I often look…
A couple wild cottontail rabbits enjoyed the back yard today. It’s nice to see them hanging out together rather than one alone, which is more common. I caught a couple short clips of them lounging and hopping off.
There’s so much going on in the garden, I’m adding these pics to the previous post. The front yard is looking lush and full, especially compared to previous years. The backyard is full of color and blooming things. Below, you’ll…
The garden is coming into its own this time of year. Early blooming plants are putting on a show and trees have leafed out with fresh growth. I have two wigela that provide profuse swaths of color. one is variegated…
I love bringing flowers in from the garden and I particularly love the fullness hydrangeas bring to a bouquet with just a few stems. Here’s a simple blue mophead hydrangea bouquet: This lovely bouquet includes blue and purple mophead hydrangeas,…
After years of preparing, planting, and tending, the garden is starting to take shape. It is so very satisfying to watch plants grow, fill in empty spaces, and flower throughout the seasons. Favorites from the front yard include deep orange…
Nicholas taking a little romp through the garden, enjoying the sunshine and fresh air.
In this bouquet I included mophead hydrangea, oak leaf hydrangea, astrantia, ferns, strawberry greens, meteor shower verbena, shasta daisies, and a spray of pale pink roses.